"Stories to Change the World" in 34 countries, over 600 storytellers. June 21st

Our celebration "Stories to Change the World" on June 21th was a success, involving over 600 storytellers in 34 countries. 

This year 2013, Storytellers from 34 countries join us in "Stories to Change the World" in order to create a new reality and come up with stories to those, who for different discrimination reasons,  lacks the possibility of listening stories or reading literature.

On Friday June 21 Stories was told in Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, El Salvador, Spain, the Philippines, France, Guatemala, India, Italy, Mexico , Nicaragua, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA and Venezuela.

Organized by International Storytelling Network - Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos.

Thanks all of you for partiicpating. 

"Stories to Change the World" 34 Countries, over 600 Storytellers. June 21st, 2013.

Annual celebration "Stories to Change the World", is running today June 21st. It is convocated by International Storytelling Network / Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos (RIC) www.cuentacuentos.eu .

Over 600 storytellers in 34 countries on six continents are participating in this big Storytelling Festival: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Germany, Guatemala, India, Italia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA and Venezuela.

They are going to tell in schools, theaters, cultural centers, street corners, universities, buses, oil platforms, ships, dormitories, train stations, or pubs. Any site is suitable for storytelling. Any time is a proper time for fighting against inequality, injustice, racism and ignorance. That is the meaning, the message and the objective of "Stories to Change the World". And that's what we are counting on you for.

All the gigs are posted on Facebook facebook.com/redinternacionaldecuentacuentos , Twitter, and the blogs www.historiasparacambiarelmundo.blogspot.com and storiestochangetheworld.blogspot.com . 

Together we can make a better world by telling stories. No one can stop us trying. We just have to get the word engine running.

Hugs and tales for you all,

34 countries join us in "Stories to Change the World" June 21, 2013.

This year 2013, Storytellers from 34 countries are going to join us in "Stories to Change the World" in order to create a new reality and come up with stories to those, who for different discrimination reasons,  lacks the possibility of listening stories or reading literature.

On Friday June 21 Stories will be told in Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, El Salvador, Spain, the Philippines, France, Guatemala, India, Italy, Mexico , Nicaragua, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA and Venezuela.

Organized by International Storytelling Network - Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos.

Thanks all of you for partiicpating. 


Dear Red internacional de Cuentacuentos (RIC)
International Storytelling Network

Here's the details:

Venue: Kaban ng Hiyas Congressional Library
City: Mandaluyong
Country: Philippines
People who are telling stories: Jay Menes
Time: 9:00AM
Date: June 21, 2013


Jay Menes

SINGAPORE. Rosemarie Somaiah and Asian Storytelling Network

Dear friends,

We at ASN are happy to join you to celebrate 'Stories to Change the World' 

with a performance and sharing 

on 22 June 2013 
from 10am to 12pm.

We will send you pictures after the event.

Best wishes to all!

Rosemarie Somaiah

SRI LANKA. Sunil - D.M.S. Ariyarathne

I am sending my programme for 21st June performance.

for publishing.

Thank you.

from Sri Lanka

SWITZERLAND. Nathalie Jendly


"Contes étoilés au Festivalocal" in the Marquee of tales where will be told stories from around the world

21st of June: 9am to 4pm sessions for schools 
22nd of June: 2pm to 6pm.

by the lakeside, Jardin Doret - Chemin de la Riviera - Vevey, Switzerland. 

Thank you for you initiativ. 

Sweet greetings from Switzerland!

Nathalie Jendly
Responsable de projet
La Suisse raconte
Préserver le patrimoine culturel et la diversité par le partage de récits  
CP 582 - 1800 Vevey 1
Switzerland / Europe

GERMANY. Gidon Horowitz

Thank you very much for the invitation to join in participating in "Stories to change the world".

I would like to, but unfortunately, I have no possibility to do so this year. But I will keep the date in mind for next year.

Meanwhile I would like to draw your attention on the "opposite" date 21. December - in the northern hemisphere the longest night of the year.

Reza Maschajechi, a storyteller born in Iran who lives in Germany since many years, told me of the old persian tradition to tell stories on that evening to keep away evil spirits hovering around in the darkness. I took up the idea and began to tell stories on that evening - stories to bring light into the world.
So maybe this could also be a good occasion to tell stories worldwide - stories to bring light in different ways, healing, consciousness, wisdom, laughter....

Best wishes for a good summer!

Gidon Horowitz
D-79252 Stegen


UK, England. Merlynda The Monster Poet

I am a member of the International Storytelling Network (RIC) - 'Merlynda The Monster Poet' - aka - 'Barley The Poet - based in West Sussex, England - and I shall be performing A Live Recitation on 26th June in conjunction with the excellent "Stories to Change the World" initiative - details as follows below for your blog. 

I have also Attached Herewith my Publicity Photograph for your blog. 

Thank You -

Sending All Best Wishes - And Wish Me Luck!

Merlynda The Monster Poet
aka Barley The Poet
Merlynda LK Robinson (LLAM)

A Live Recitation of
Comical & Philosophical
Adult Fairytales-In-Verse and Verse-Fables
Written and Performed by
'Merlynda The Monster Poet'
Date:   Wednesday 26th June 2013
Time:  11.00am to 12.00pm
Venue: The Poetry Box Studio Garden, The Poetry Box Studio, 'Ramshackles'
in Nyewood near Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 5JA -  England
Performed In Conjunction with and To Celebrate:
The International Storytelling Network (RIC) - 'Stories To Change The World' Initiative
Admission: £3.00
(The Programme Is Suitable for Adults and Older Teens Only)

E-mails are still coming

E-mails are still coming to participate in "Stories to Change the World" June 21. Already 27 countries have already joined. Thanks for participating in this celebration of solidarity.


USA. Priscilla Howe

I'm in! Here's the info and a picture:

Hot-diggity Dig In!
Priscilla Howe tells her favorite stories about food, glorious food, along with a few songs and puppet hilarity 

at the Salina, KS (USA) Public Library 
at 2:00 p.m. 

All ages are welcome.

All the best,

Read my blog, sign up for my occasional newsletter and learn about my programs, recordings and calendar on my website,http://www.priscillahowe.com 

Singapore/Italy, Kamini Ramachandran

Thank you for this invitation!
I will be in Rome on June 21st, certainly telling stories as part of FEST and Festival Internazionale Di Storytelling Raccontamiunastoria.
I will mention Stories To Change The World as well to my audience in Rome.
All the best,

Kamini Ramachandran
+65 9116 3935
www.moonshadowstories.com | facebook
Illuminating your life through story

"Stories to Change the World", June 21, 2013

Dear member of the International Storytelling Network (RIC) RedInternacional de Cuentacuentos: We would like to count on you to join us in participating in the annualcelebration "Stories to Change the World", to be held, as every year, onJune 21. Last year, 2012, over 350 storytellers from 30 countries on fivecontinents participated, nearly 15% more than in the first celebrationheld in 2011.
You can tell in schools, theaters, cultural centers, street corners,
buses, oil platforms, ships, dormitories, train stations, or
pubs. Any site is suitable for storytelling. Any time is a proper time
for fighting against inequality, injustice, racism and ignorance. That
is the meaning, the message and the objective of "Stories to Change the
World". And that's what we are counting on you for.
When you know the venue, the city, the country, the people who are telling
stories, the time and date (even better if it's June 21), send us the
information at red@cuentacuentos.eu and we will post it on the blog
www.historiasparacambiarelmundo.blogspot.com . If you also send us a
photo, even better. We´ll post it on the blog too.
Together we can make a better world by telling stories. No one can
stop us trying. We just have to get the word engine running.
Get a hug full of tales and stories,
Richard Marsh, Enrique Paez and Beatriz Montero
International Storytelling Network (RIC) Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/RedCuentacuentos
E-mail: red@cuentacuentos.eu

MEXICO. Colectivo Alegorías - Rosalinda Sáenz

Hola queridos amigos y compañeros: es un gusto volver a participar con ustedes. Ahí va la información que requieren de participación el día 21 de junio:

Colectivo Alegorías:
Rosalinda Sáenz F.: Centro de Atención Multiple (niños con discapacidades diversas: autismo, retraso mental, ciegos, sordos...) de Santo Tomas Ajusco, Tlalpan, D. F.  A las 9:00 hrs.

Rosalinda Sáenz F.: TEC de Monterrey Campus Ciudad de México Auditorio Luis Elizondo a las 19:00 horas. 

Que la palabra unida a la fuerza de los anhelos del corazón sane al mundo, ya que como digo en mi libro la palabra franca sana el alma y el que sana su alma no puede ser ni mezquino ni ruin. 

¡Viva la palabra!
Rosalinda Sáenz F.
 Colectivo Alegorías 
Email: colectivoalegorias@gmail.com

También me acaban de confirmar mi presentación en la Facultad de Ingeniería UNAM a las 21:00 hrs.

¡Que siga la palabra dando!

Rosalinda Sáenz F.
 Colectivo Alegorías 
Email: colectivoalegorias@gmail.com

MEXICO, Benjamín Briceño

Nos sumamos entonces a esta jornada de dignidad. Anexo encontrarán los carteles del programa. Las funciones del 22 y 23 se darán en este contexto y se anunciarán ante micrófono. Procuraremos tener un video breve para que lo conozcan y lo agreguen a sus testimonios.

Un placer seguir hermanado con vosotros.

Benjamín Briseño 

SINGAPORE -  ITALY, Kamini Ramachandran

Thank you for this invitation!
I will be in Rome on June 21st, certainly telling stories as part of FEST and Festival Internazionale Di Storytelling Raccontamiunastoria.
I will mention Stories To Change The World as well to my audience in Rome.
All the best,

Kamini Ramachandran
+65 9116 3935
www.moonshadowstories.com | facebook

Illuminating your life through story

FRANCE, Clément Riot

El 21 de junio contaré en la escuela « Vertefeuille » (literalmente Hoja verde), de Perpignan (Francia), dos sesiones, mañana 10h y tarde 14h30, en el marco de una iniciativa de la « Ligue de l'Enseignement » llamada "Carta para la fraternidad" llevada con niños de unas clases de primaria que envían cartas sorteando sus corresponsales en la guia telefónica y esperando así respuesta de gente escogida al azar.

Contaré : « Juan del oso y sus historias », un espectáculo en el cual el personaje famoso de Juan del oso, mas que usar su fuerza tendrá que usar la palabra comoherramienta para cumplir con las pruebas que encontrara en su camino ».  

Esto me parece entrar totalmente en harmonía con "historias para cambiar el mundo".

Un cordial saludo


Clément Riot
Conteur / Compositeur acousmatique
00 33 (0)4 68 51 78 34

URUGUAY, Cristina Vázquez Ortiz

Me llamo Cristina Vázquez Ortiz. 

Egresé el pasado 2012 de la Escuela de Narración Oral que dirige Niré Collazo, representante de la RIC en Uruguay.

Participaré de su invitación para el 21 de junio a las 19h en la Embajada de Venezuela, Montevideo-Uruguay, para contar cuentos en la jornada internacional de "Cuentos para cambiar el mundo".

Saludos cordiales y que se multipliquen los cuentos!


Argentina, Sole Rebelles

Bueno, desde este lugar del planeta, estoy organizando un espacio de cuentos el 22 de Junio (es que el 21 es feriado en Argentina). Si les parece que puede sumar a la propuesta del 21 avisen que les mando todos los datos y promoción. Es en una librería y el público al que van dirigidos son niños muy pequeños acompañados de sus padres, tios, hermanos, abuelos...

Argentina, El Sur Narra, Mabel Cosenza

Como coordinadora del Grupo de Narradores Orales Sociales EL SUR NARRA, agradezco tan cordial invitación, como el año pasado nos sumaremos a la convocatoria, como el día 21 es Feriado Nacional en nuestro país, cada uno de nosotros contará en el lugar que esté, pero realizaremos un encuentro especial el día 28 a las 17hs en la Subsede de la Biblioteca Esteban Adrogué que funciona en Casa de Cultura de Almirante Brown. 

En ese ámbito,tal como lo hicimos el año pasado, sabemos que tendremos mayor asistencia de público. Subiremos fotos del encuentro. 

Mabel Cosenza


El Salvador, Hilda Gómez

Hola amigos de RIC:
Por tercer año consecutivo El Salvador dice presente en “Historias para cambiar el mundo”, 
esta vez con la historia de “Guille y Alissa” de la escritora salvadoreña Guadalupe Castellanos,
beneficiando a niños de cuarto grado del Centro Escolar Católico Corazón de María;
quienes a través del cuento aprenderán la importancia del reciclaje en el mundo.

Día: 21 de junio
Hora: 9:00 a. m a 12:00 m. d
Con la participación de:
Guadalupe Castellanos (escritora)
Hilda Gómez
Ligia Salguero

Saludos cordiales desde El Salvador, C.A.

Hilda Gómez

E-mails are still coming: 06/21/2013

E-mails are still coming to participate in "Stories to Change the World" June 21. Already 27 countries have already joined. Thanks for participating in this celebration of solidarity.

Siguen llegando e-mails para participar en "Historias para cambiar el mundo" 21 de junio. Ya se han unido 27 países. Gracias a todos por participar en esta celebración solidaria. 


"Stories to Change the World" June 21, 2013.

We would like to count on you to join us in participating in the annual celebration "Stories to Change the World", to be held, as every year, on June 21, 2013.

Last year, 2012, over 350 storytellers from 30 countries on five continents participated, nearly 15% more than in the first celebration held in 2011. You can tell in schools, theaters, cultural centers, street corners, universities, buses, oil platforms, ships, dormitories, train stations, or pubs. Any site is suitable for storytelling. Any time is a proper time for fighting against inequality, injustice, racism and ignorance. That is the meaning, the message and the objective of "Stories to Change the World". And that's what we are counting on you for.

When you know the venue, the city, the country, the people who are telling stories, the time and date (even better if it's June 21), send us the information at red@cuentacuentos.eu and we will post it on the blog www.historiasparacambiarelmundo.blogspot.com . If you also send us a photo, even better. We´ll post it on the blog too.

Together we can make a better world by telling stories. No one can stop us trying. We just have to get the word engine running. Get a hug full of tales and stories,

International Storytelling Network (RIC) 
Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos


