GREECE, Mythologion Storytelling Cooperative Will Participate in Stories To Change The World on 21st June 2015

We are a storytelling cooperative in Greece, and we are organising a storytelling event on the 21st of June as part of the "Stories to Change the World" initiative

Where: Plateia Agion Anargyron 3, Psyrri, Athens
When: at 18:00 hrs on June 21st
Who: Mythologion storytelling cooperative
Tellers : Manya Maratou, Sylvia Venizelea, Andreas Michaelides

who we are: The House of Oral Tradition "Mythologion" is a social cooperative founded by 8 storytellers.

Thank you!!
Manya Maratou, for The House of Oral Tradition "Mythologion"

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