FRANCE, Véronique Aguilar will participate in “Stories to Change the World”, on June 21st, 2014

Thank you for this intent!
Here is my contribution.
With care

Véronique Aguilar
06 28 49 78 02

Tells at Home in Monteils, France at 8 PM on June the 21st

“Woman, Women, from the housewife to the wild woman” by Véronique Aguilar

While you are sharing a meal with your friends, Véronique Aguilar, will pass into small groups to ask questions, and read poetry. With your answerers she‘ll begin her telling. Tells are about women, all kings of women:  big, short, tall, old, yang, ugly, nice looking, mysterious, mother, daughter, far away, very close…
Sirs open your ears and your heart to a feminine world, Ladies be pleased with this telling because for once it is talking about you, about us! A journey into femininity.

Do you want to join us? 

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