WALES, UK, Eirwen Malin - NIACE will participate in “Stories to Change the World”, on June 21st, 2014


I have just learned that you are running Stories to change the world on 21st June.

I work in Wales for NIACE the National Institute for Adult Continuing Education and one of the things we do is to run an Adult Learners Week campaign which this year is 14th - 22nd of June.

In Wales we have designated the weekend 21-22 June as Family Storytelling Weekend and we shall have 4 or 5 events at which whole families come together to learn from and enjoy stories.  We are just at the final planning stages and as soon as I can I will send you the details for your website.

In Wales 2014 is also the Summer of Stories and you may like to put something on the website mentioning your day.  You can do this via the website:-

I will be in touch again soon.

Eirwen Malin
Senior Project Officer/Uwch Swyddog Prosiect
NIACE Dysgu Cymru

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